venerdì 24 novembre 2023

D365FFO - How to release to warehouse cross docking works even in case of warehouse "full reservation" release method

 In case in the warehouse setup we have the following parameters set 

-    Requirement for inventory reservation: Require full reservation

   Insufficient quantity response: Generate an error

It is still possible to release a sales order to warehouse even if there is no stock but at least a purchase order is marked against a sales order.

The crossdocking template is set in the following way:

-    Demand requirements set as Marking

-    Work template defined in the work template

-    Supply source defined as "Purchase order"

-    Location type: Location directives

We create the sales order as follows.

We create the purchase order directly from the sales order as follows.

In order to release the sales order to the warehouse it is required to launch the batch procedure as follows:

-    The value "Quantity to release": Reserved physically and cross dock

The sales order generates the following shipment.

The shipment has a planned cross docking defined as follows.

Instead if we use the fulfillment policy on the sales order header blocking the release to warehouse in case of missing items in the stock, the system is not able to skip the planned cross docking lines.

giovedì 23 novembre 2023

D365FFO - How to create a transfer order using the warehouse mobile app

Using the warehouse mobile app it is possible to generate a transfer order declaring the warehouse to we want to ship the goods and the license plate we want to move.

Before performing the transaction we have to set the following menu item.

Then we have to make sure that we have in stock (in the starting warehouse) the license plate that we want to move.

Then we access, in the warehouse mobile app, the menu item previously created.

We scan the destination warehouse.

We scan the license plate we want to move.

Once we complete the transfer order we can click on the button complete order underlined above.

Then we have to run the procedure "Process warehouse app events".

The transfer order will be then generated as follows.

martedì 21 novembre 2023

D365FFO - Register material consumption using warehouse mobile device

It is now possible to register the material consumption for production orders directly using the warehouse mobile device. In order to do it, the following feature "Register material consumption on the mobile app on a scale unit" must be switched on.

We create a production order, not setting any location directive for picking components or wave / work templates. At the end we release the production order not generating any work for picking goods, as reported below.

Then we can start the production order using the mobile app or the feature on the production order form (ensuring to not consume components while doing it).

After that we can access the warehouse mobile app feature related to the following menu item defined into the parameters.

Using the mobile app it is possible to generate automatically a picking list journal directly related to the production order.

After scanning the production order, it is required to scan the picking location as reported below.

Then it is required to scan all the other information:

- itemid

- batchid (if needed)

- serial number (if needed)

and to confirm the quantity to be picked as shown below.

Once completed the picking procedure the button Done must be clicked as reported below.

After clicking on the Done the system generates a picking journal posted against the production order scanned during the procedure.

lunedì 20 novembre 2023

D365FFO - How to backflush components using RAF from warehouse mobile device

In the warehouse mobile device app there is the option to report as finish (RAF from now on) the production orders using for instance the following setup in the menu item for mobile app.

While reporting as finished a production order it can be needed to consume all the production order components (backflush of components).

In order to do it the following parameters (Respect flushing principle during overpicking set to YES) must be set in the report as finished warehouse app menu item.

And the following must be set in the production order defaults form under the tab "Report as finished":

-    Picking list journal name

   Automatic bom consumption set to Flushing principle

Then on the Bom lines that we want to consume at the report as finished of the production orders we have to set as flushing principle "Finish" (as reported below).

Once we are reporting as finished a production order using the warehouse mobile app (as below)

We get the following journals posted on the production order related.

A picking list journal for consuming the components of the production order and a report as finished journal for producing the final item.