martedì 29 marzo 2022

AX 2012 - D365FFO - Refresh caller datasource (retain position)

Refreshare il DS chiamante è un'operazione  comune in AX. La versione 2012 ha introdotto il parametro "retain position" nel metodo research. A volte però neanche questo è sufficiente. Questo interessante post fà un pò di chiarezza sull'argomento:

giovedì 17 marzo 2022

D365FFO -- RSAT for WHS terminal

In order to implement RSAT using the WHS terminal, we have first of all to check if the following parameter is set (Enable RSAT support) at the following path Warehouse management > Setup >  Warehouse management parameters.

Once set the previous parameter, we should access the following path Warehouse management > Periodic task >  Warehouse app task validation.

In order to create a new test case we should click on the button new as reported above. Then once we have set the fields userid and description of the task we can start the recording of the tasks with warehouse app clincking on Start recording.

Once we started the registration we can do the activities to be recorded in the warehouse app.

Once we have done this procedure we must load the parameters from the recording clicking on the button Generate variables.

The system automatically fills the variables defined in the registration. In case we want to run the script we must access the same form and clicking Run task, as reported below.

martedì 8 marzo 2022

D365FFO - Check the number of rows in a table / add a total in a table / Group by a specific value

 In D365FO some new functions have been added in order to speed up the check of the number of lines / totals in the form.

For example accessing a specific form (purchase invoice form), we can add a footer in the form clicking with the left button of the mouse and selecting the function "Show footer".


The system will add in the bottom part of the form the total number of rows selected.

In case we want to group by a specific value of the form we can do it right clicking on the column and selecting "Group by this column" as reported below.

The system will show all the records grouped by the values shown in that field as reported below.

In case we want to calculate the total of a numerical field we can right click on that field and select the function Total this column.

The result will be the following one.