sabato 21 luglio 2018

D365 Process Inbound ASN

We create two purchase orders having the following structure:


  • Purchase order: 00000375 -- Vendor: 1001 - Acme Office Supplies
    • Itemid: A0001, Quantity: 100 pcs
  • Purchase order: 00000348 -- Vendor: 1001 - Acme Office Supplies
    • Itemid: A0001, Quantity: 600 pcs
    • Itemid: P0004, Quantity: 300 ea, Batch: BN0001


We import the following file into AX in order to populate the ASN Inbound tables.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


  <WHSInboundLoadHeaderEntity TractorNumber="0000101">

    <WHSInboundShipmentHeaderEntity VendorShipmentId="VendASN_01" VendorAddressCountryRegionId = "USA" VendorAddressStreet = "123 Coffee Street" VendorAddressStateId = "WA" VendorAddressCity = "Redmond" VendorAddressZipCode = "98052">

      <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureEntity LICENSEPLATENUMBER="LP_ASN_001">

        <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureLineEntity PURCHASEORDERNUMBER="00000347" ITEMNUMBER="A0001" QUANTITY="100" UNITSYMBOL="pcs" />



    <WHSInboundShipmentHeaderEntity VendorShipmentId="VendASN_02" VendorAddressCountryRegionId = "USA" VendorAddressStreet = "123 Coffee Street" VendorAddressStateId = "WA" VendorAddressCity = "Redmond" VendorAddressZipCode = "98052">

      <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureEntity LICENSEPLATENUMBER="LP_ASN_001">

        <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureLineEntity PURCHASEORDERNUMBER="00000348" ITEMNUMBER="A0001" QUANTITY="200" UNITSYMBOL="pcs"  />

        <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureLineEntity PURCHASEORDERNUMBER="00000348" ITEMNUMBER="P0004" QUANTITY="300" UNITSYMBOL="ea" ITEMBATCHNUMBER="BN0001" />


      <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureEntity LICENSEPLATENUMBER="LP_ASN_002">

        <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureCaseEntity LICENSEPLATENUMBER="LP_ASN_002_C01">

          <WHSInboundLoadPackingStructureCaseLineEntity PURCHASEORDERNUMBER="00000348" ITEMNUMBER="A0001" QUANTITY="400" UNITSYMBOL="ea"  />







We use the data entity "Inbound ASN" of type "XML-Attribute".

Once we import the xml file automatically the system will generate LOAD and SHIPMENTS according to the purchase orders previously created (as reported below).


In the meanwhile AX has also generated the packing structure related to the specific load that is visible clicking on the button "Packing structure".

Once we have followed the whole process above we can start to manage the item arrivals using the WHS terminal. In order to do it we have used the function "Mixed license plate receiving".

At the end of the process we can register the product receipt for the specific load.


1 commento:

  1. can you please guide how to generate ASN XML file?
    in prior before process inbound , i tried clikc "SEND ASN" under packing slip print menu , nothing happen.
