static void LIL_EncodeDecode(Args _args)
Set permissionSet;
InteropPermission interopPerm;
FileIOPermission fileIOPerm;
boolean fileExists;
str path,
bindata bindata;
int pos;
container data;
permissionSet = new Set(Types::Class);
path = @"C:\Images\test.png";
fileIOPerm = new FileIOPermission(path,#io_read);
interopPerm = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop);
fileExists = System.IO.File::Exists(path);
bindata = new bindata();
base64Encode = bindata.base64Encode();
info(base64Encode);//stringa codificata
pos = strFind(base64Encode, ';', 1, 60);
base64ext = subStr(base64Encode, 1, pos-1);
pos = strFind(base64Encode, ',', 1, 60);
base64Encode = strDel(base64Encode, 1, pos);
bindata = new bindata();
data = BinData::loadFromBase64(base64Encode);
martedì 2 ottobre 2018
AX 2012 - Codifica/Decodifica base64 di un file
Con questo job possiamo codificare / decodificare un file in Base64:
martedì 7 agosto 2018
D-365 for Finance and Operations - Come modificare il valore di una variabile di tipo Date durante il debug
Utilizzando il debugger di VS-2015 durante una sessione di analisi sul flusso di un programma, per capire dove intervenire con le modifiche, mi sono imbattuto nella necessità di dove variare il valore di una variabile definita come TransDate.
Sebbene risulti particolarmente semplice variare il valore di campi stringa, numerici e booleani, mi sono accorto subito che non risulta altrettanto semplice e lineare eseguire la variazione nel caso di date.
Se proviamo a variare il valore direttamente dalla finestra di watch, otteniamo un errore di errata immissione.
Dalla mia esperienza con il debugger su applicazioni in C#, ho provato ad eseguire l'assegnazione passando per la finestra immediate, assegnando alla variabile in questione un nuovo valore tramite il costruttore dell'oggetto System.Date di .Net Framework, visto che il codice X++ su D365 alla fine gestisce oggetti di framework.
Ma anche in questo caso si ottiene un errore di errata assegnazione, però in questo il messaggio riporta che è errato il cast.
Alla fine ne consegue che è necessario eseguire il cast dell'oggetto System.Date in "Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.AxShared.Date" per ottenere il risultato desiderato.
oldTransDate = (Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.AxShared.Date) new System.DateTime(2018,03,08)
Forse non è l'unico metodo che sia contemplato, ma sicuramente funziona.
Per gli enumerati invece:
giovedì 26 luglio 2018
D365 - Inventory movement using a template
In D365 we can generate an inventory movement applying a work template and a location directive that can suggest the final location for the movement.
In order to do it we have to define a specific menuitem in the terminal warehouse as follows.
We should define the following parameters:
When we transfer the materials the system will show us to which location we have to move items, as reported below.
Clicking OK the movement is performed.
In order to do it we have to define a specific menuitem in the terminal warehouse as follows.
We should define the following parameters:
- work creation process defined as "Movement by template"
- in the field work template we can specify the work template that will we used in the generation of the works.
When we transfer the materials the system will show us to which location we have to move items, as reported below.
Clicking OK the movement is performed.
AX 2012 - D365FO - Recuperare la risorsa collegata alla fase
Con questo job possiamo recuperare la risorsa primaria collegata alla fase:
partendo da prodRoute:
oppure partendo da routeOpr:
partendo da prodRoute:
public static WrkCtrId getWrkCtrId(ProdRoute _prodRoute)
RecId recId;
WrkCtrId wrkCtrGrpId;
ProdId prodId;
WrkCtrActivityRequirementType relationShipType;
WrkCtrActivityRequirement wrkCtrActivityRequirement;
recId = _prodRoute.activityRequirementSet().RecId;
select WrkCtrActivityRequirement
where WrkCtrActivityRequirement.ActivityRequirementSet == recid;
wrkCtrGrpId = WrkCtrActivityRequirement.requirementEdit();
return wrkCtrGrpId;
oppure partendo da routeOpr:
static WrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit getWrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit(RouteOpr _routeOpr)
wrkCtrActivityRequirement wrkCtrActivityRequirement;
WrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit WrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit;
select firstonly wrkCtrActivityRequirement
where wrkCtrActivityRequirement.ActivityRequirementSet == _routeOpr.activityRequirementSet().RecId;
wrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit = wrkCtrActivityRequirement.requirementEdit();
return wrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit;
sabato 21 luglio 2018
D365 Process Inbound ASN
We create two
purchase orders having the following structure:
- Purchase order: 00000375 -- Vendor: 1001 - Acme Office Supplies
- Itemid: A0001, Quantity: 100 pcs
- Purchase order: 00000348 -- Vendor: 1001 - Acme Office Supplies
- Itemid: A0001, Quantity: 600 pcs
- Itemid: P0004, Quantity: 300 ea, Batch: BN0001
We import the
following file into AX in order to populate the ASN Inbound tables.
version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
VendorShipmentId="VendASN_01" VendorAddressCountryRegionId =
"USA" VendorAddressStreet = "123 Coffee Street"
VendorAddressStateId = "WA" VendorAddressCity = "Redmond"
VendorAddressZipCode = "98052">
VendorShipmentId="VendASN_02" VendorAddressCountryRegionId =
"USA" VendorAddressStreet = "123 Coffee Street"
VendorAddressStateId = "WA" VendorAddressCity = "Redmond"
VendorAddressZipCode = "98052">
We use the data
entity "Inbound ASN" of type "XML-Attribute".
Once we import the
xml file automatically the system will generate LOAD and SHIPMENTS according to
the purchase orders previously created (as reported below).
In the meanwhile AX has also generated the packing structure related to the specific load that is visible clicking on the button "Packing structure".
Once we have
followed the whole process above we can start to manage the item arrivals using
the WHS terminal. In order to do it we have used the function "Mixed
license plate receiving".
At the end of the process we can register the product receipt for the specific load.
venerdì 13 luglio 2018
D365 Electronic signature
Electronic signature
Viene impostato l'electronic signature requirements su l'approvazione della BOM version.
Sono impostati alcuni reason codes di electronic signature.
Impostiamo il certificato sull'utente in linea.
Approviamo una BOM version, inseriamo un commento.
Viene richiesta la password utente.
Inserita la password, l'update è eseguito!!
Nella form
electronic signature parameters è impostato il messaggio da visualizzare in
fase di conferma.
Viene impostato l'electronic signature requirements su l'approvazione della BOM version.
Sono impostati alcuni reason codes di electronic signature.
Impostiamo il certificato sull'utente in linea.
Definiamo una
password 5 maiuscole, 5 minuscole, 2 numeri.
Approviamo una BOM version, inseriamo un commento.
Viene richiesta la password utente.
Inserita la password, l'update è eseguito!!
mercoledì 11 luglio 2018
D365 - Warehouse and transportation management overview
Warehouse and transportation management
management is based on the following elements:
Loads: An outbound
load is a single shipment or group of shipments shipped from a warehouse
location to a customer or intermediate location. You can create an outbound
load from a sales order or transfer order automatically or manually.
An inbound load is a single
shipment or group of shipments shipped from and external warehouse to an
internal one. You can create an inbound load from purchase order manually.
Shipments: A shipment
is a collection of sales / purchase order lines,
heading to the same address in one load. A single load may have multiple
shipments. E.g. a sales order with two lines, each going to a different
destination will result in creation of two shipments, belonging to the same
Waves: A wave is a
collection of shipments and it will allow the generation of works in order to
move items in warehouse.
Work: For each wave
we can have more than one work in which the steps for moving items are defined,
we can have more steps for each item.
We can
distinguish two different processes:
In detail the
process is composed by the following elements linked in the following way.
Transportation module structure
management is based on the following functions / forms:
Route break: this
function manage the breaks for transport pricing
Route rate: this
function is made by some tables and it manages the transport prices
Route: this function
shows the route plan and the pricing planned for it.
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