"The remittance address on the selected transaction line does not match the remittance address on the selected payment journal line. Change one of the addresses to mark the lines for settlement. Error message while marking transactions for settlement."
The message seems high-sounding !
Checking in deep transactions data, the main couse is the missmatch between address on the LedgerJounralTrans vs VendTransOpen. It is related to data inheritance.
Below the issue loop:
I) Create a General Journal ;
II) Add a Vendor/ supplier;
III) Use the function settlement
IV) Try to mark a settle open transaction:
-> get the error
To be align the data.
The Address / Location between General Journal need to be the same to Open Settlement transaction.
Area of focus: We need to includ/add the field "Remittance location" into the form.
Using the same address location, we are able to select /mark the transaction.
TECH Details:
Table: VendTransOpen
Table: LedgerJournalTrans
LabelID: @SYS152832
Field: VendTrans.RemittanceLocation;
Class: CustVendOpenTransManager - Method: checkRemittanceTransCanBeMarked
Comment: We can face to this issue in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance too.