domenica 14 maggio 2023

D365FO - Cluster management in mobile warehouse product receipt process

 There is the option in D365FO to manage clusters while receiving goods, in order to define a path for performing the put away procedures or to just collect more put away together (just applicable in case we are managing receipt and put away in two different steps).

In order to manage it, we have to switch on in the receipt function the flag assign putaway cluster.

Then it is required to define a cluster profile as follows, defining when and how a cluster will be generated and the lines ordered in it, and to which work template it will be related.

The following menu item will be defined in the mobile app in order to manage the closure of the cluster.

In the putaway menuitem we must define that we want to proceed scanning the cluster id each time (defined in the field Directed by), as follows.

Perform the receipt on the mobile app.

At the closure of the receipt of each line we can define a new cluster id (as reported below).

Access the form for closing the clusterid, after scanning it click on the button close cluster as reported below.

Access the putaway function on mobile app as follows.

Scan the cluster and move the items to the final location.

sabato 13 maggio 2023

D365FO - Detour steps in WMS

 It is needed to create before everything a new menu item for WMS having the following parameters.

Mode should be set as Indirect, Activity code as Data inquiry and a table for lookup must be set (for instance Purchtable).

Then it is required to define mobile device steps as follows (let's assume we want to add a view of the purchase orders while scanning the purchase order id while performing the product receipt).  (Before performing this step the default setup must be automatically created clicking on the button Create default setup).

Once chosen the right stepid, it is needed to click on Add step configuration, and choose a menu item where we want to apply the detour.

Once done we have to add the detours to the step we are creating, clicking on the button Add in the bottom part of the form.

Then we choose the detour to be added from a list.

Then we have to define the field to be sent and received with the detour function (make sure you have created the default fields for all the functions using the Menuitem Warehouse app field names).

The mobile app function will then appears as follows.